Welcome To the SHORTHAND GURU Website
A Shorthand Learning and Dictation Platform in English & Hindi
English & Hindi Shorthand Dictation, Shorthand outlines & Notes, Shabd Chinh, KC, Rishi Pranali, Naveen Ashulipi, Sajnani, Pitman Shorthand, Manak Ashulipi etc.

About Shorthand
Shorthand is the art of writing, which is the art of writing general statements quickly and at a fast pace. Stenography is also called Stenography in English and Hindi it is also called “Twaralekhna” or “Sheegralekhna”. In this, the speed is faster by using small symbols of words and sentences. Hindi and English sentences are written at the speeds of 80wpm, 100wpm, 120wpm, etc.
The main meaning of shorthand is that commonly occurring statements and speeches etc. are written immediately. A normal person can write any sentence at a speed of 20 words per minute but a stenographer can write the same sentence at 80, 100, 120, 150, or 160 words per minute. Based on this, a good stenographer is selected.
Our Work
I want you all to learn shorthand for free. Through this website, you can learn Hindi shorthand and English shorthand. Our endeavor is that any student who comes to study from us should get all the information about shorthand from basic to advanced so that he can make his future in shorthand and get a government job.
Actually, everyone prepares for shorthand and students learn stenography in Hindi and English. Stenography is not only easy but it is also a difficult skill. But this is such a scale, by learning which you can easily get a government job in any department or the private sector. One can become a successful stenographer, especially in the media sector. A stenographer comes in a very high position and determines a good future.
My endeavor is to give proper shorthand dictation to everyone and increase their speed. Through this website, you will get dictation ranging from 60 words per minute to 120 words per minute in Hindi and English languages. If a student is practicing even at 160 words per minute, then arrangements have been made for that also. Besides, in this website I have also given shorthand word outline of important English and Hindi steno
Our Motto
Our aim is that every student should get free and correct information about shorthand and become a good stenographer in the future. Only when someone learns stenography well can he get a government job or make his future in shorthand.