201+ Basic Shorthand Words for English Outline
Students who practice English Shorthand and are continuously practicing to increase their speed. They must remember the basic grammalogues words of English shorthand. Basic shorthand words are those words which are bound to come in every matter and you must recognize them well.
We remember the difficult words but the words that come frequently i.e. the basic words, you should remember more thoroughly. Only if you do not make mistakes in these, you will be able to write difficult words. Therefore, it will be easy to write difficult words but if you do not remember the basic words then you will not be able to write even difficult words.
Basic Shorthand Words in English List
A list of basic words of English stenographers is given below. You must remember these and also write them down in your notebook. So that with continuous practice it will sit better in the mind and while writing the matter will come to your mind within a moment and you will be able to write it in shorthand outline.
A or An | Accord-ing | Advantage |
Ah! | All | And |
Any | Are | As |
Aught | Awe | Aye |
Balance | Be | Because |
Been | Behalf | Belief-ve-d |
Beyong | Build-ing | But |
Call | Called | Can |
Cannot | Care | Cared |
Chair | Chaired | Cheer |
Cheered | Child | Circumstance |
Cold | Come | Could |
Dear | Deliver-ed-y | Deliverance |
Difference-t | Difficult | Do |
Doctor, Dr. | During | Eh? |
Equal-ly | Equalled | First |
For | From | General-ly |
Generalization | Gentleman | Gentleman |
Give-n | Go | Gold |
Great | Guard | Had |
Hand | Has | Have |
He | Him | Himself |
His | Hour | How |
However | Importance-ant | Impossible |
Improve-d-ment | In | Influence |
Influenced | Information | Inscribe-d |
Inscription | Instruction | Instructive |
Is | It | Itself |
Justification | Language | Large |
Largely | Larger | Liberty |
Lord | Me | Member |
Mere | More | Most |
Mr. | Much | Myself |
Near | Next | Nor |
Northern | Number-ed | O!, Oh! |
Of | On | Opinion |
Opportunity | Ought | Our |
Ourselves | Over | Owe |
Owing | Own | Particular |
People | Pleasure | Principal-ly |
Principle | Put | Quite |
Rather | Remark-ed | Remember-ed |
Satisfaction | School | Schooled |
Selfish-ness | Sent | Several |
Shall, Shalt | Short | Should |
Significance | Significant | Signification |
Signify-ied | Southern | Speak |
Special-ly | Spirit | Subject-ed |
Subjection | Subjective | Sure |
Surprise | Surprised | Tell |
Thank-ed | That | The |
Their | Them | Themselves |
There | Therefore | Thing |
Think | Third | This |
Those | Though | Thus |
Thyself | Till | To |
To Be | Told | Too |
Toward | Towards | Trade |
Tried | Truth | Two |
Under | Usual-ly | Valuation |
Very | Was | We |
What | When | Whether |
Which | Who | Whose |
Why | Wish | Wished |
With | Within | Without |
Wonderful-ly | Word | Would |
Writer | Yard | Year |
You | Young | Your |
Write Kailash Chandra Magazine Book For practice
Basic Shorthand Words Grammalogues English Image

You must remember the given English shorthand words and use them carefully while writing the matter. Try to ensure that you remember all these words immediately. Remember their shorthand outline only then your speed will come from 80 words per minute to 120 words per minute in English steno.